SwerveConfig |
A configuration object for a swerve bot.
SwerveConfig.CurrentLimitConfig |
A configuration object representing the current limiting to perform on the drivetrain.
SwerveConfig.MotorConfig |
A configuration object for a single motor.
SwerveConfig.PID |
A configuration object containing the gains for a PID controller.
SwerveConfig.RobotDimensions |
A configuration object representing the dimensions of the robot.
SwerveConfig.WheelsConfig |
A configuration object for all four wheels of a swerve bot.
SwerveDrivetrain |
A programmatic representation of a swerve drivetrain.
SwerveInputTransform |
A class to transform inputs into the proper swerve outputs.
WheelVector |
A programmatic representation of a vector that wheels can be set to follow.
WheelVector.VectorSet |
A set of four vectors corresponding to the four wheels of the bot.